Ehm… Hi and welcome to the first blog of my website. This won’t be the page where I will introduce myself, you can read something about me on this page. Questions are always welcome!
The name Student Techlife says it all:
- I am a student
- I am a “nerd” who wants to improve the world with IT.
I have set up this website specifically because I am going into a big adventure. It is time for me to leave the parental nest and start living on my own. My mission is to transform my own student studio into a smart house of 25m2 and through this website I would like to keep you informed.
“It is always nice to inspire other people or help them further”
What can you expect from me? Well don’t set the bar too high. First I want to regularly post a blog, with the newest changes I have made in Home Asisstant. I open a separate Github repo where you can find all the code, which I will often refer to. In addition, some nice blogs with tips and tricks from me as a student and blogs from various small side projects.
As you can see I am not quite finished with my website, so here and there some changes are coming. So stay tuned, a next blog is coming soon!