Today I finally got the keys to my own home in Leiden! 25m2 of space for myself where I hope (as long as I do my best at school) I can continue to live in the coming years. As you can see there is of course nothing at all now, in the coming period I will move everything piece by piece.
One of my goals with the studio is to make it a smart (home automation) stay. The beating heart of this will consist of a TP Link C3150 router and a Raspberry Pi 3B + with Home Assistant (hass.io). It is a great home automation platform that I use for more than a year now, it supports a huge number of integrations such as Google, Ikea, Philips Hue light, Z-Wave, Zigbee etc.
“Since January 2019, I am also one of the maintainers of the Home Assistant documentation team and I assist in checking and approving changes or I implement major changes.”
But back to the house …
So today I have already moved my first things to the studio, measured some sizes for other large things that are yet to come and in any case already installed / connected the internet (it’s a basic need these days). I already set up Home Assistant at home beforehand, so I don’t have to make much changes on site to get it into production. The house is also nicely cleaned, old fixtures have been removed and Google Home is also already installed.
There are some things with HA that I have to come up with in the future, such as:
- How do I have a device tracked by 2 HA installations at the same time.
- How can I solve a problem with zones. (I cannot go into too much detail because of privacy)
- How will I use Google Home and Home Assistant cloud over 2 installations.
As you can see with home automation, you will always be busy.
I hope you like this update, let me know!